Pacific Book Review

Reviewed by: Lily Amanda

“Take time to appreciate the moments for they will soon be memories. One lifetime is not enough.” -asserts the author in this beautiful and thought-provoking novella. One Lifetime is Not Enough is a well-grounded and sentimental story based on real events. Set in the 1970s, Author Rex Nelson Greenwald introduces readers to a twelve-year-old whose maternal grandmother dies and his parents decide to take him to a resort for a summer holiday to stay with his grandpa. His grandpa was the keeper of the resort and lived in a small cabin fondly known as Little Mora.

This is where young Coy’s adventure begins as he meets Growler, a war veteran, for the first time, and develops a sudden interest to know him more ignoring the outward appearances that people so often use to form an opinion of someone. Coy felt that something inside Growler was beyond interesting, intriguing, and possibly really special. Neither Growler nor Coy had any idea the eternal implication their relationship would have on each of them after their first encounter. Coy further establishes lasting friendships, learn life lessons and practices with each passing day.

Author Greenwald has written a well-crafted story. The amazing bond that grew between Coy and Growler was admirable, to say the least. The author does not rush the plot but instead gives readers time to meld with the characters and understand their personalities. Perhaps what I loved most about the book was the way the characters’ emotions were perfectly displayed in words. This made me feel I was part of the story from the beginning.

Through the main character, Coy, the author asserts that it takes patience and skill to disentangle the things people learned from life, from others, and themselves. Coy lived with the hope he would learn the right way somehow, some way.

1 Samuel 16:7: “But the LORD said to Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or the height of his stature: because I have refused him: for the LORD see the not as man seethe; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.” Through this powerful scripture, the book focuses on the need not to judge people from outward appearances as they could be fighting hidden battles. The book is divided into two parts that alternate across the chapters. Part one was Coy’s experiences as a twelve-year-old and part two focuses on twenty-two-year-old Coy and the impact the summer holiday had on him.

Overall, One Lifetime is Not Enough is a thoughtful book infused with life lessons and charming characters as well. It is well worth the time!